Our Strength.

Our Whānau



EDITH JUMA | Financial Mentor, Financial Literacy Facilitator

JESSIE BRUCE | Choice Facilitator

BEATRIZ HARDY | Maara kai (Community Garden) Facilitator

GRAHAM DRIVER | Financial Mentor

HEATHER BRUCE |Program Co-ordinator / Facilitator

DR. PAUL WOOD | Te Reo Maori Facilitator

DAVID BARROWCLOUGH | Grants & Funding Officer

  • I'm Edith, a certified Financial Mentor and Financial Literacy Facilitator at Desert Spring since 2019. With over a decade of experience as an accountant and running my own business, I bring a wealth of knowledge to helping clients manage their money better and get out of debt.

    After conquering my own financial challenges in life, I have turned those difficult lessons into a deep resource that I can tap into to guide individuals through financial difficulty. I am passionate about the subject matter and can often be seen out and about in the community, changing perspectives and uplifting people through the financial literacy workshops I facilitate.

    Every day, I wake up excited and blessed to do what I love—meeting clients and helping them achieve their financial goals. I have successfully guided clients out of debt, helped them achieve their savings goals, and built a savings buffer for emergencies.

    My passion lies in guiding clients towards financial freedom, empowering them to take control of their money, meet their needs, and plan for a secure future. I look forward to meeting you and embarking on this financial journey together.

  • Ko Te Arawa te waka,

    Ko Matawhaura te maunga,

    Ko Tamamutu te awa.

    Ko Tapuaeharuru te marae,

    Ko Ngati Kawiti nga haapu,

    Ko Ngati Pikiao te iwi

    After 35 years in the music industry I took up a new challenge at Te Puna Waiora to serve the community as the frontline receptionist and Learner Licence facilitator.

    I love meeting new people and welcoming them to our Whare.

    When they come in they often say they feel the ‘wairua’ here, a sense of peace and calm.

  • In 2003 my family and I came from Chile, South America and 21 years later we are still here, and loving New Zealand.

    I have been involved with plants all my life. In Chile I worked in the fruit production industry; and in New Zealand I taught horticulture at polytechnic for 17 years. I have also contributed to several community projects related to habitat restoration and food gardens.

    I am passionate about growing food and habitat restoration, so working at Te Puna Waiora maara kai and facilitating workshops for the community is a dream come true.

    During my spare time I enjoy tramping, spending time with mokopuna and whanau, and cooking. 

  • I live in Hamilton and grew up on a farm near Morrinsville.

    For over 20 years, I’ve worked in the charity and community sector, focusing on fundraising for local and national charities.

    I’m passionate about helping lift communities out of inequity and making a positive difference. I’m married to Ruth, and together we have five adult sons and two grandchildren, with another on the way.

    In my free time, I enjoy gardening, sports, and being actively involved in my church.

  • Ko Tainui te waka, Ko Tararua nga maunga, Ko Otaki te Awa, Ko te pou o Tainui te marae, Ko Kapumanawawhiti te haapu, Ko Ngati Raukawa te Iwi o tooku Papa Ko Ngati Porou, ko Ngaitai, ko Te Whanau Apanui, ko kahungunu, ko Te Arawa o tooku Mama

    I have worked in the social services sector in Kirikiriroa for many years co-ordinating Parenting programs, Emergency housing, Foster Care, Supervised Access, Homestays, Professional Development, Personal assistance and Administration.

    I am married to Teddy Marsh. We have 3 adult daughters, 3 son-in-laws, 8 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren

  • Description text goes here
  • I am a passionate teacher and speaker of Te Reo Māori, with expertise in dialects from NgāPuhi, Ngāti Porou, and Waikato-Tainui, and a strong understanding of traditional Te Reo.

    My academic journey includes completing the Te Tohu Paetahi degree from the University of Waikato in 2021, achieving 8 A+ papers taught solely in Te Reo.

    I also hold diplomas in Te Pīnakitanga (2013) and Te Aupikitanga (2012) from Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, furthering my commitment to language and cultural preservation.

  • Tēnā koutou katoa, Ko Pirongia tōku maunga, Ko Waikato tōku awa, Ko Glenmark tōku waka, Ko Waikato-tainui, Wera, Kōtirana, Ingarangi nga iwi, e noho ana ahau ki Kirikiriroa, Ko Heather Bruce ahau.

    I have lived in Fairfield for many years and love serving, supporting & learning from this community. I coordinate programmes and facilitate workshops here at Te Puna Waiora. Part of my role is as a nurse working in the area of education and child mental health, with experience facilitating resiliency programmes for children and teenagers in the not for profit community sector. I enjoy seeing the growth and development of the tamariki and Whānau that I journey with.

    My dream is to encourage kaitiakitanga of our land and environment, to see thriving whānau and resilient communities.

    Kotahi karihi nāna ki te waotapu nui a Tāne - the creating of the forests of Tāne comes from one kernel; great things can grow from something small.

  • Item description

WENDEE DEWE | Receptionist, Learner Driver Licence Facilitator, Administration

JO WAUGH : Chairperson



JIM ENNION : Board Member

 JOHN DALE : Secretary

  • Chair

    As the Chairperson of Te Puna Waiora, Jo is responsible for leading board meetings, ensuring effective governance, and representing the organization externally.

    Jo plays a crucial role in guiding strategic decisions, fostering partnerships, and upholding the mission and values of Te Puna Waiora.

  • Secretary

    John serves as the Secretary of Te Puna Waiora, handling administrative tasks, managing correspondence, scheduling meetings, and maintaining organizational records.

    He plays a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations and efficient communication within the organization.

  • Board Member

    Stephanie serves as a board member at Te Puna Waiora, providing strategic guidance and oversight to ensure the organization achieves its mission and goals effectively and ethically.

  • Board Member

    Jim serves as a crucial member of the board, offering valuable insights and expertise to drive strategic decision-making and ensure the organization's long-term success.

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